Activities : Outdoor

Ideas for Day Trips with Kids

Sometimes, a day trip is just the thing you and your kids need. Day trips are usually less expensive than overnight tri…

Safety Tip for Playing Outdoors

What makes the “great outdoors” so excellent? The fresh air is fantastic. The plants and animals are great. The sense o…

Christmas Shopping with Kids

Christmas Shopping with Kids

Did you read the title of this article correctly? You might want to go back and double check to make sure you understan…

Taking Your Kids on a Vacation

Have you ever wanted to take your kids on a vacation but is unable to find a place or a kind of activity that would sui…

Teaching kids to play golf

Teaching kids to play golf

It can be challenging at time for parents to get their children interested in sports. When it comes to the game of golf…

How much is too much?

How much is too much?

Should your child go for the football practice 5 days a week? Are 3 days enough? It is common for parents to be a litt…

After school activities and burnout

After school activities and burnout

For millions of parents around the world, the day does not end with the school bell. There are still pictures to be pai…

Grow a Butterfly Garden

Grow a Butterfly Garden

Your kids will watch in wonder as flowers that they've planted become home to colorful butterflies. Materials neede…

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