Image by kattni via Flickr
On the other hand, there are also some parents who wish to power up their children with a nutritional health supplement to fully develop any potential that their child may have, mentally and physically. There are actually many different nutritional supplements that can help enhance and promote proper brain growth as well as proper physical growth to the advantage of the child. A nutritional supplement often falls into this category instead of being an immediate need.
Many doctors sometimes recommend an iron nutritional supplement for children. This is because the foods that are rich in iron which are supposed to give the children their recommended daily allowance of this mineral are not appealing to them. An iron nutritional health supplement can help them meet the RDA which is necessary for proper brain development. A word of caution regarding iron supplements is that these may be dangerous when given in abundance. Ask a doctor for the recommended dosage of the nutritional supplement in accordance to the weight and age of the child.
Although most water systems in the United States of America cater to the general populace with fluoride treated water, there may be some which do not have the fluoride additive that will help build strong teeth in children. A fluoride nutritional supplement may be necessary if you know for sure that you local water system does not provide this. Too much of the fluoride nutritional supplement can also do some damage to the teeth that you were trying to build and protect.
Some companies who develop medicines and supplements claim that a zinc nutritional supplement can help children boost their mental ability as well as help to develop the brains of the child. Many supplements are combined with zinc in order to meet the demands for better nutrition and maintenance of overall mental and physical health.
Besides them some children may need nutritional supplements containing calcium as it is necessary for healthy teeth and bones. Also some Children don't like milk or sometimes have milk allergies. In this situation they may prefer to get their calcium from nutritional supplements.