Raising your child's self-esteem ..


Self-esteem is not something you are born with. In some ways, it is something you are given; like a GIFT. When children are young, they develop much of their sense of self-worth by studying how others perceive them.

If children only receive negative reinforcement, they won't think much of themselves. However, if they get praises and encouragement, they will begin to develop a sense of pride in themselves. This will sustain them for the rest of their lives !

Each child is special. Each of them has unique talents and abilities that set him/her apart from everyone else. It's the responsibilities of the parents to make sure that our children know just how remarkable they are.

Children growing up filled with self-esteem will have the courage to go out into the world and try new things, to respect other people's ideas and to face challenges with a sense that they can do anything they put their minds to.

Isn't that what parenting is all about ? :-)

Here are some ways to raise your child's self-esteem :

1. Tell your child you love him/her at least once a day.

2. Take your child's feelings seriously. Try not to say she'll "grow out of it" or that it's "not that bad"

3. Let your child know it's OK to make mistakes. Admit your own.

4. Laugh at your child's jokes -- even when you don't get them.

5. Praise your child's efforts, without worrying about the result.

6. Take your child's picture each year on the first day of school. Don't forget to look back to see how much he's grown !

WASHINGTON - OCTOBER 29:  Evan Lamberson (2nd ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

7. Encourage your child to ask questions. Research the answers together.

8. Teach your child that "can't" is not FOREVER. With a little hard work, your child will learn new skill, and turn "I can't" into "I can".

9. Resist the urge to say "I told you so"

10. Pay attention to your child's random acts of kindness, and be sure to thank him/her for them.


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