My Shining Star

My Shining Star

Rosemary Wells, acclaimed author of over 60 children's books, shares MY SHINING STAR. This charming story encourage…

What is Home-schooling ?

What is Home-schooling ?

Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on children. The term 'homeschooling…

Tips to Raising Happy Kids

As a grandmother and self-help writer, I’m often asked by readers, “How do you raise happy kids?” This is a question ne…

Kids' Reading Activities

In a world that is slowly but surely turning away from books and getting glued to monitors or television screens, the i…

Over-scheduling kids

Over-scheduling kids

Several studies are expressing a growing concern that after school programs are pressurizing kids to do too much too so…

Asthma condition or allergy?

Asthma condition or allergy?

My kid who is in Primary One is just been diagnosed having mild asthma. He has been feeling tired after school and hav…

Teaching kids to play golf

Teaching kids to play golf

It can be challenging at time for parents to get their children interested in sports. When it comes to the game of golf…

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